Net Zero & Nature Positive Theatre (Keynote)

Futureproofing Water in a Changing Climate Corporate Innovation & Adaptation

Day 1 : 14:40 – 15:30

Water is the resource most vulnerable to climate change yet it’s the only resource we cannot survive without. Beyond quenching our thirst, we need water to grow food, generate power, mine and manufacture goods from fashion to electronics. It is an invaluable asset but with every degree of warming, threats to water security also increase. By 2050, 31% of global GDP worth US$70 trillion and 60% of the world’s population could be exposed to extremely high water stress for at least one month a year . Seas are also rising faster than we think redrawing coastlines & forcing migration unless we adapt. Given this, it is not surprising that leading corporates are innovating to adapt and thrive. Join us to find out how HK based corporates are driving global change to futureproof water revolutionising industries with water in mind, carrying out water stress tests, striving for water neutrality plus more.


  • Why are companies taking action now to protect water? What exactly was the impetus?
  • What do they view as the biggest short and long term water and climate risks?
  • How are water and climate risks viewed & managed in the companies? Are they board level risks? Are they integrated into risk management?
  • What are these innovations & how do they come up with them? Where can other companies start?
  • What are the benefits of taking this protective action? How do they balance this against the investment ($, time, people +)?

Post-event Actions

  • Leave with an understanding of urgent water and climate risks and why they matter/ are material to companies.
  • Be inspired and see that it’s possible for companies to innovate to protect water and that it is being done by Hong Kong companies.
  • Leave with an understanding of the range of actions companies can take to protect water from operations to supply chains and setting ambitious corporate targets to future proofing portfolios.


Debra Tan


Director & Head

Tan heads CWR, a non-profit that aims to “mainstream” water and climate risks into financial decision-making and corporate strategies. Today, CWR’s work on the assessing and valuing risk exposure to rising freshwater scarcity to coastal threats, is highlighted as tools and useful resources under the IFRS’s CDSB Application Guidance for Water-Related Disclosures and feature in Palgrave MacMillan textbooks. Tan is also a contributing author to the latest IPCC 6th Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

Adapting to rising water risks in a new climate future

Daisy Guo


Head of Global Business Development & Partnerships

Daisy Guo heads DETERMINANT’s global business development and partnerships. A passionate advocate for sustainability, Daisy is heavily involved in shaping the company’s sustainability roadmap. In 2023, she launched the world’s first cotton waterless dyeing program, a groundbreaking collaboration between DETERMINANT and ECOHUES. This initiative underscores her commitment to pioneering sustainable practices and innovation in the retail industry.

Before joining DETERMINANT, Daisy led Lululemon’s first social impact project in Hong Kong, and contributed to building the Services Marketplace at Lazada, fostering collaboration between Lazada Crossborder and Alibaba teams.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. Promoting water stewardship in the textile & apparel industry through the adoption of new technologies like waterless dyeing.

2. Seeing a further reduction in single-use packaging.

Dr. Frederick Lee

Centre for Water Technology and Policy, The University of Hong Kong

Executive Director

Dr. Frederick Lee holds a PhD degree in Urban Planning from MIT. He is Executive Director of the Centre for Water Technology and Policy at The University of Hong Kong. His primary research and advocacy concerns pertain to two major water sustainability nexus issues: water-energy-climate and water-ecology. He is currently conducting a research project that focuses on the application of smart technologies (IoT, AI) to enhancing water conservation behavior in households. Dr. Lee is also a Fellow at Civic Exchange.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

#1. Reduction of per capita water use in the domestic sector
#2. Improvements in water use efficiency in non-domestic sites

Shashank Singh

Colgate Palmolive

Sustainability Lead APAC

Shashank is a sustainability professional with nearly 13 years of diverse experience in manufacturing, supply chain, marketing, and consulting. Holding a mechanical engineering degree, he spent 3.5 years in manufacturing plants, gaining strong technical skills and a good understanding of manufacturing environments. Through a leadership program, he transitioned to marketing, acquiring 1.5 years of core marketing experience that positions him well to bridge the gap between supply chain and commercial discussions. Post his MBA, he entered sustainability consulting to refine his problem-solving skills. As a consultant, Shashank has worked with several government bodies, multilateral organizations, multinationals, and NGOs/non-profits and gained valuable insights into key sustainability topics like decarbonization, waste management, water, audits, regulatory landscapes, and sustainability reporting. He is a firm believer in building relationships and fostering collaboration to achieve shared sustainability goals. Above all, Shashank is a devoted father to a 4-year-old boy and striving to be the best father.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

– Connect with more like minded people
– More collaboration

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